The TLSR835x series is designed for 2.4GHz RF chip solutions such as retail/logistics, private networking, beacon applications, wireless mouse, wireless USB adapters, etc.
TLSR835x Series
The TLSR835x series is designed for 2.4GHz RF chip solutions such as retail/logistics, private networking, beacon applications, wireless mouse, wireless USB adapters, etc.
Telink provides a complete SDK to help you develop and build IoT smart devices, which covers your entire product life cycle, from development to OTA maintenance. The Telink SDK always includes the latest technology protocols and provides secure and stable connectivity, which, combined with Telink IoT Studio integrated development tools, can help quickly achieve mass production.
Telink loT Studio
Telink loT Studio is an integrated development environment designed specifically for Telink chips. It supports firmware compilation, firmware download, and development debugging.